Pride Day- In Egypt, the Political System Nurturing Homophobia within Society !

Every June, LGBTQI+ Pride Month begins. During this month the world celebrates by encouraging self-assertion, shaping identity, dignity, and equality, affirming existence as a social group, and celebrating sexual and gender diversity.
On this occasion, Belady chose to take a closer look at the situation of the LGBTQI+ community, by examining the link between sexual and gender orientations and the human rights violations against them in Egypt since 2013, highlighting these violations statistically and then addressing the state’s policies in dealing with the legal and practical issues raised for minorities.
First of all, Egyptian law does not explicitly criminalize homosexuality. However, it criminalizes any behavior or expression of any idea that it considers immoral, obscene or offensive. As we can see in the crime of debauchery in Law No. 10 of 1961, stated as follows: “Imprisonment is for a period of no less than three months and not more than three years … for whoever habitually engages in debauchery or prostitution”.
On the anniversary of the launch of this political movement, Belady chose to shed light on the situation of the LGBTQ+ community in Egypt and look at the violence inflicted on its members inside and outside detention facilities by broader society, as well as state institutions.
In this research, we will review the most prominent statistics about the situation of the LGBTQI+ community in Egypt by revealing the most targeted segments of the population, the nature of the charges leveled against them upon their arrest, and the various prison sentences recorded since 2013. Additionally, we will document some instances of violations, and analyze their relationship to Egyptian law and state policies and the conservative values ​​of society. Finally, we will conclude by providing some recommendations for the Egyptian State.
To view the full research: In Egypt, the Political System Nurturing Homophobia within Society !

To view the full research: In Egypt, the Political System Nurturing Homophobia within Society !


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