نتيجةً للشكوى المقدمة من “بلادي جزيرة الإنسانية” الاتحاد البرلماني الدولي يحث السلطات المصرية لاتخاذ كافة الإجراءات بشأن واقعة إختفاء البرلماني السابق / مصطفى النجار

تباحث الاتحاد البرلماني الدولي في دورته 207 المنعقدة يوم 25 مايو 2021، واقعة الإخفاء القسري للبرلماني المصري السابق مصطفى النجار منذ 2018، إثر قبوله بلاغ قدمته بلادي – جزيرة الإنسانية. وقد حثّ السلطات المصرية، ولا سيما وزارة الداخلية، على إتخاذ إجراءات جدية وعاجلة للتحقيق في واقعة إخفاء السيد مصطفى النجار وبذل كل مافي وسعها للعثور عليه وتحقيق العدالة له ولعائلته. ويهم بلادي أن تعبر عن الآتي:

In its 207th session held on May 25 2020, after admitting a complaint submitted by Belady- an Island for Humanity, the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU)discussed the enforced disappearance of Mustafa Al Najjar, an Egyptian member of Parliament (MP), since 2018. The Union urged the Egyptian Authorities, particularly the Ministry of the Interior, to take serious and urgent measures in order to investigate the disappearance of Mustafa Al Najjar and to do whatever it takes to find him and bring justice to him and his family. Belady wishes to state the following:
1- to thank the Committee on Human Rights of parliamentarians of IPU for the above resolution.
2- to call upon the Egyptian authorities to respond to the IPU’s resolution and to employ all of the available resources to disclose the fate of the former MP.
3- to hold the Egyptian Authorities accountable for guaranteeing the safety and security of the former MP, as well as guaranteeing his right to health and freedom from torture, etc.
4- to remind the Egyptian Authorities of their historical duties towards the Egyptian people to protect them from all forms of human rights violations, such as enforced disappearance and torture.
5- to call upon the Egyptian Authorities to alleviate the measures and constraints that are imposed on public freedoms, such as freedom of expression, which if guaranteed, can lead to a just and democratic state.
6- to express its absolute and unconditional solidarity to support any legal or human rights efforts to protect the free voices of the Egyptian people, and to strive for the MP’s liberation from any practices that undermine his right to dignity.

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